A little bit about me, Selena

  • Just for today, I will not worry.

  • Just for today, I will not be angry.

  • Just for today, I will be grateful.

  • Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

  • Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

My reiki journey began in a chemotherapy infusion suite in Philadelphia, PA.

I was 38 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My son was four years old, my daughter had just turned one, and I was overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty. Thankfully, reiki was one of several integrative services offered to oncology patients at my hospital and I was lucky enough to receive reiki during each of my chemotherapy infusions.

From my very first session, reiki helped me feel grounded and centered during one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. Reiki allowed me to relax enough to get out of the constant fight or flight response. It reduced my overall stress levels and alleviated many of the brutal side effects of treatment. Cancer can steal so much but reiki enabled me to still show up and be present for the most important parts of life my life.

Today I am a Reiki Master* Level Practitioner. I use my years of training combined with my own lived experiences, guided by love and intuition, to provide reiki to individuals and groups, both in person and virtually.

I live in Montclair, NJ with my husband, two children, and dog. I love tending to my dahlia garden, exploring the world with my family and friends, reading, and drinking iced coffee all year long.

Reiki changed my life and Iā€™m excited to share it with you!

*I am not a master of anything, this is the name of the certification I received. I am a humble, lifelong, ever evolving student of reiki.